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Dasha's Dozen

Fathers, husbands and brothers who want to see their families again.

Our effective aid distribution during conflict includes providing Tactical Personal Protective Equipment ("Tactical PPE") to Dasha's husband (a Ukrainian Infantry officer), her brother (a Ukrainian Intelligence officer) and their men who defend the world against tyranny, oppression and aggression. We affectionately refer to these 300+ strong as Dasha's Dozen.

The life saving items we provide improves their chance of survival whenever they find themselves in harm's way.

UPDATE 12/19/22: Since Ukraine has gone on the offensive, we no longer provide Tactical PPE, but we still do provide financial support for wounded soldiers and their families. 

Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): Text
Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): Pro Gallery

A thank you from the front

Dasha's brother, currently in the Donbas region, is one of the many recipients of our tactical PPE kits. He sent her a message about us, and generous strangers everywhere who've found a way to directly support Ukraine's defenders. (with English subtitles)

Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): Welcome

Who is Dasha?

Dasha is an incredible Ukrainian woman, wife of a Ukrainian Army Infantry officer, sister to a Ukrainian Army Intelligence officer, and mother to a beautiful baby boy. Since the start of the war, Dasha’s been supporting her the 300+ men serving under her husband and brother. We've been honored to have delivered dozens of packages that have been distributed to Ukrainian Infantry and Intelligence units.

Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): Who We Are

Where we protect

View photos, videos and links related to those we've supplied to those displaced by the war, or to those defending Ukraine against a foreign invader. Click a truck icon or a medical icon to see what was sent and where it's going, or click a gift box icon to see items with their intended recipients.

Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): HTML Embed

050322 Tymur Rudov Charitable Foundation

From Suceava to Odesa in less than 24 hours, we delivered much needed sleeping bags, sleeping pads, first aid kits, fresh socks and much more that our friends will distribute to Ukraine's front line defenders.

Dasha's Dozen (Tactical PPE): Video
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