The Driven Ones

The Driven Ones
Effective procurers and deliverers of aid during conflict
As of 12/31/23, we have suspended operations and are no longer accepting donations.
How We Help
We succeed where larger organizations fail. Instead of moving supplies en masse, we move aid in smaller quantities, delivering in under a week's time. We utilize funds and supplies on a rolling basis instead of waiting to act.
We start by saving one person. Then, their family or team. Their neighborhood or squad. Their village or platoon. Eventually, their entire town or battalion.
Today, our focus is to support Ukrainians refugees arriving in the Boston area through our Boston Branch.

Where We Go
View our interactive map to see our activities to date including photos, videos, and links to partner organizations. Gift boxes represent our aid packages that have successfully reached their final destinations.
We are effective procurers and deliverers of aid during conflict.
The Driven Ones came together in response to the consistent failures of international aid organizations to effectively meet the needs of the Ukrainian people. We protect the lives of those at the front and help sustain the livelihoods of those fleeing conflict zones and seeking refuge from violence.